We eat at the Cow Bay Cafe. The "concern" that the chefs parking space
was vacant was unfounded and I can recommend The Cow Bay Cafe with its West Coast Italian menu . The ladies decided against a starter. I order the brodchetta with feta and basil. Simple and tasty and went it came it was shared. For the main Louise had the rack of Lamb and Lyn and I Bison coco braised ribs. For desert Lyn and I shared a chocolate ganache cheese cake and Louise had a Blueberry ice cream.
We returned to the B+B and played cards.
We were the only guests staying and joined Hans and ffgg for breakfast at 8:30. Most of their guests only stay for one night. They are full again tonight when next ferry arrives from Port Hardy bring their next arrival of guests The B +B is excellent and deserves it 9.5 rating on booking.com. Guests wanting to stay need to be quick as they are planning on retiring at the end of the season having ran the B+B for over 20 years.
Breakfast was fresh strawberries followed by slices of apple and cheese layered on muffin topped with honey and nuts and then grilled. The was followed by cold meats, cheese with homemade bread and slices of the bread.
The car was packed and after a brief division for food and souvenirs we were heading on the 16 following the Skeena river to Terrace 160 km away. The road followed the river and railway line and the scenery was spectacular.
Lunch was taken with a view overlooking the river. After Terrace the road widened and although we we still following the river the views we not as as good. A petrol station and diner provided a suitable rest stop although the ladies preferred the long drop toilets in the rest areas. We diverted off the 16 to visit Hazelton and the Ksan historical village. We arrived too late for a guided tour but made a voluntary donation to visit the site. This was a little disappointing as the houses we locked and there was no information boards outside. When we entered Hazelton we had to cross the Hadwilget canyon.

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